Margaret Taffi said:
I read where we are playing Quilto for the July meeting! I'd love to see a vote on how many folks really asked for this. Its ok for a special meeting but not a regular one. There must be something more productive than this. Love the meetings and have not missed one since I joined but that may start happening! What has happened to the life of the guild and the fun?
Here was my reply to Margaret:
While I can’t speak on behalf of the guild’s decision makers, I do believe they try and do their very best to accommodate the needs of membership. I do know they have been trying very hard to get feedback from members so then can provide what members want and expect from the guild. I agree with you that although Quilto can be a fun activity on occasion there surely are other fun activities and lessons that are sure to satisfy our mutual quilty cravings.
We have a tremendous amount of talented members. My hope is that they will not be bashful and come forth when asked or just come forth on their own to share their knowledge on those few occasions we don’t have a quest speaker. It would also be great if they would do the same for Skills Day.
The guild needs more input from members; I’m so glad you shared your thoughts Margaret. I’ll be sure to pass it on to the powers at be. I hope you don’t get too discouraged. Hang in there and don’t stop coming to the meetings. I’ll miss your smiling face!
Okay, I have a little question not just for you but for the entire guild….
Who or what would you like to personally see at an upcoming meeting?
Could be a public figure or one of our very own members. Post your comments to the blog and I’ll pass them on.
Connie Cracraft
Website & Blog Editor