Becoming a Member |
The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild is open to individuals who are interested in quilts and quiltmaking, and who subscribe to the purpose of the guild. Becoming a member is sure to expand your knowledge and circle of friends with inspiration abound. Some of the benefits of joining the guild are:
Guild membership year is from January through December. Types of membership are:
Annual Dues are:
- Fun and informative guild meetings and programs
- Workshops & classes
- Various monthly activities (participate in one or all - you decide)
- Library of books, magazines, patterns & videos
- Monthly Sew and Tell newsletter
- Membership Roster
- Membership card that entitles you to a discount with many of our affiliates and retail stores such as JoAnn's or Beverly's
- Yearly quilt show
Guild membership year is from January through December. Types of membership are:
- New or Renewing Members
- Junior Members - Available to individuals under 18 years old. Junior members shall be sponsored by a guild member and supervised at guild events
- Charter Members - Founding members who joined on or before May 18, 2001 and continue to pay membership yearly by the January general meeting
Annual Dues are:
- $35.00 - Annual Membership (12.50 if joining after June)
- $5.00 - Junior Members ($2.50 if joining after June)
- $20.00 - Charter Members
Obtain a copy of the membership form at a guild meeting or by clicking the button above. Submit the membership form along with dues payment at the monthly meeting or mail to:
Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild
P. O. Box 875
Kelseyville, CA 95451
P. O. Box 875
Kelseyville, CA 95451
Affiliate Membership for Businesses
Affiliates are places of business or community organizations wishing to support the guild. Annul dues are $40 per year. Affiliates are welcome to attend guild general meetings. Although oral solicitation is not permitted, we welcome flyers, newsletters, and handouts for guild members to pick up at our welcome table. Other affiliate membership benefits include:
Additional benefits and information can be obtained by reviewing the guild bylaws on this website and by contacting the Affiliate Chairman via email on our contact page by selecting the button below.
If you would like to join as an Affiliate, the Affiliate Joining Letter and the Affiliate Remittance/Renewal Form can be found by selecting the buttons below.
- With individual member's approval, an abbreviated "guild member roster" for commercial or solicitation purposes
- A listing of affiliate information in the guild's monthly Sew and Tell newsletter and website
- In addition to a listing in the Sew and Tell newsletter, a free twice a year advertisement up to one-quarter page
- Receipt of the guild's monthly newsletter either by email or by post if there is no email
- Priority status in applying for quilt show vendor spaces
Additional benefits and information can be obtained by reviewing the guild bylaws on this website and by contacting the Affiliate Chairman via email on our contact page by selecting the button below.
If you would like to join as an Affiliate, the Affiliate Joining Letter and the Affiliate Remittance/Renewal Form can be found by selecting the buttons below.