Meetings, Programs, Workshops...Oh My!
Meetings & Programs
Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Lakeport Senior Center with the exception of October when we feature our annual quilt show.
The central focus of monthly guild meetings are programs which may include an educational guest speaker, trunk show, technique demonstrations, slides, or movies. Just a few of the other activities during the general meeting are Show and Tell, Treasure Chest raffle and a pot luck buffet. There is no cost to attend. Members leave inspired and eager to pursue their quilting passion. Visitors are welcome for 2 meetings at no cost. General Meeting and Program
2nd Saturday Monthly Social Hour 9:00 a.m. Meeting Begins at 10:00 a.m. |
Lakeport Senior Center
For questions or sign ups, please contact Program Chair Suzanne Lee directly or email by selecting the button below. The workshops really are geared towards all skill levels and are a lot of fun. Come for the sewing and the comradery, and you just might learn something new as well. Classes may be open to non-members if space is available.
2024 December: Four demonstrations, round robin style, at 15 minutes long.
Here is the line-up:
Lan Ali-Adeeb - Dress up your quilt with beads and embroidery.
Linda Morrison - Fabric flowers
Lynn Goos - Machine embroidery with floss
Marj Sweeney - Adding borders that lay flat
Here is the line-up:
Lan Ali-Adeeb - Dress up your quilt with beads and embroidery.
Linda Morrison - Fabric flowers
Lynn Goos - Machine embroidery with floss
Marj Sweeney - Adding borders that lay flat
2024 November: BAZAAR SALES!!!

2024 August: CHRIS CERESA From Willis
We are in for a real treat this August!
Chris is the passionate owner of Country Quilts & Fabric, and is bringing her expertise and creativity to our guild with an exciting new class, on Sunday Aug 11th, 9:30 am setup time, at the Scotts Valley Women's Club.... Sign up early for a spot.
Chris will be teaching the Disappearing Pinwheel, an easy yet versatile quilt block that offers several stunning layout options. Join her to learn, create, and discover new ways to elevate your quilting project! Class cost is $40.
Anybody that wants to take this class can purchase required fabric at Country Quilts & Fabric in Willits, and get a 15% discount.
Fabric requirements:
1 Layer Cake OR Assorted Prints (32 for the patchwork blocks and 2 for the cornerstones)
2 ½ yards OR 1 solid color layer cake for background
1 ½ yards sashing and inner border
1 ½ yards – outside border and binding
Backing – 3 ¾ yards (not included)
We are in for a real treat this August!
Chris is the passionate owner of Country Quilts & Fabric, and is bringing her expertise and creativity to our guild with an exciting new class, on Sunday Aug 11th, 9:30 am setup time, at the Scotts Valley Women's Club.... Sign up early for a spot.
Chris will be teaching the Disappearing Pinwheel, an easy yet versatile quilt block that offers several stunning layout options. Join her to learn, create, and discover new ways to elevate your quilting project! Class cost is $40.
Anybody that wants to take this class can purchase required fabric at Country Quilts & Fabric in Willits, and get a 15% discount.
Fabric requirements:
1 Layer Cake OR Assorted Prints (32 for the patchwork blocks and 2 for the cornerstones)
2 ½ yards OR 1 solid color layer cake for background
1 ½ yards sashing and inner border
1 ½ yards – outside border and binding
Backing – 3 ¾ yards (not included)

Her newest lecture titled; 250 Years of Quilts, History and the Women That Made Them 1770-2020 - Celebrating 25 Decades
Arlene Arnold came to the world of quilting in 1975 with millions of others in the Great Quilt Revival for our nation’s Bicentennial. With her degree in art, Arlene entered the fabric world with enthusiasm. Using a 1”x2” picture of a Log Cabin quilt she saw in Better Homes and Gardens magazine, she drafted the pattern and being a novice and not knowing what she was doing, Arlene made enough 12” blocks using 1” strips to cover two king size beds! Since that time she has gone to win Best of Show and many blue ribbons for her work.
Today, Arlene’s focus in quilting runs in the area of Pre-Civil War quilts to those from the Depression. She has quite a collection of antique and vintage quilts that she uses to lecture on and share with other quilters. Arlene also makes her own patterns using these quilts for inspiration. And yes, she still uses graph paper and a pencil!
Arlene belongs to two quilt guilds, several on line quilt study groups and three California area groups, SCCQG, NCQC and Quilt Guilds of the North Quarter. She is in charge of the latter group and enjoys meeting the members and representatives of these guilds in Northern California and bringing this wide range of people together to share the benefits of our art form.
When not playing in the quilting world Arlene can be found on her tractor farming 20 acres of walnuts and raising her beloved English Springer Spaniels on her ranch in Colusa, CA
Arlene's lecture celebrates our country's 250 Birthday in 2026! How appropriate for July!
There are 25 quilts, one for each decade. With each quilt there is a brief history of the time period, the quilt and the woman that contributed to her decade.
Arlene's workshop is the very popular Lucretia's Journey. This great quilt can be constructed with a four 20" block layout. This pattern is for all levels of quilting, can use multiple colors, and is a fast quilt that can be expanded to fit any bed size.
Can't Wait!
Her newest lecture titled; 250 Years of Quilts, History and the Women That Made Them 1770-2020 - Celebrating 25 Decades
Arlene Arnold came to the world of quilting in 1975 with millions of others in the Great Quilt Revival for our nation’s Bicentennial. With her degree in art, Arlene entered the fabric world with enthusiasm. Using a 1”x2” picture of a Log Cabin quilt she saw in Better Homes and Gardens magazine, she drafted the pattern and being a novice and not knowing what she was doing, Arlene made enough 12” blocks using 1” strips to cover two king size beds! Since that time she has gone to win Best of Show and many blue ribbons for her work.
Today, Arlene’s focus in quilting runs in the area of Pre-Civil War quilts to those from the Depression. She has quite a collection of antique and vintage quilts that she uses to lecture on and share with other quilters. Arlene also makes her own patterns using these quilts for inspiration. And yes, she still uses graph paper and a pencil!
Arlene belongs to two quilt guilds, several on line quilt study groups and three California area groups, SCCQG, NCQC and Quilt Guilds of the North Quarter. She is in charge of the latter group and enjoys meeting the members and representatives of these guilds in Northern California and bringing this wide range of people together to share the benefits of our art form.
When not playing in the quilting world Arlene can be found on her tractor farming 20 acres of walnuts and raising her beloved English Springer Spaniels on her ranch in Colusa, CA
Arlene's lecture celebrates our country's 250 Birthday in 2026! How appropriate for July!
There are 25 quilts, one for each decade. With each quilt there is a brief history of the time period, the quilt and the woman that contributed to her decade.
Arlene's workshop is the very popular Lucretia's Journey. This great quilt can be constructed with a four 20" block layout. This pattern is for all levels of quilting, can use multiple colors, and is a fast quilt that can be expanded to fit any bed size.
Can't Wait!

Lianna Burger has been sewing since she was in grade school. She got her first real sewing machine for Christmas in the 6th grade and has been going crazy ever since. She started sewing because of her mother, but it's not what you think. “Mom sewed all of my clothes and they all looked the same”. At that point she took over and became the family seamstress. She has been making quilts for a very long time but each one had a destination so most of them were given away. She started Quilting when her children were born, making quilts for their rooms and all her nieces and nephews. Each quilt was geared to their personalities, from lace and satin to denim. These quilts were her own pattern and hand quilted. Lianna also loves handwork like knitting and crocheting, as well as applique and hand quilting.
Lianna Burger has been sewing since she was in grade school. She got her first real sewing machine for Christmas in the 6th grade and has been going crazy ever since. She started sewing because of her mother, but it's not what you think. “Mom sewed all of my clothes and they all looked the same”. At that point she took over and became the family seamstress. She has been making quilts for a very long time but each one had a destination so most of them were given away. She started Quilting when her children were born, making quilts for their rooms and all her nieces and nephews. Each quilt was geared to their personalities, from lace and satin to denim. These quilts were her own pattern and hand quilted. Lianna also loves handwork like knitting and crocheting, as well as applique and hand quilting.
Kris has been sewing and quilting as long as she can remember. Her mom, who was a founding member and President of the Maui Quilt Guild, taught her everything she knows. She has focused mostly on baby quilts and given them away as gifts. She enjoys trying new techniques and drafting her own patterns, as well as mixing media (ribbon embroidery, applique, embellishment, fabric dye & painting, bead work, etc.) After raising 3 kids, remodeling 6 houses and working in Architecture for 35 years, she is looking forward to “semiretirement” and having more time for Quilting.
Lecture: EPP 101 - English Paper Piecing, EPP for short, is a hand sewing technique that is great for quilting on the go! Learn its origins, the basics and what you need to get started.
Kris has been sewing and quilting as long as she can remember. Her mom, who was a founding member and President of the Maui Quilt Guild, taught her everything she knows. She has focused mostly on baby quilts and given them away as gifts. She enjoys trying new techniques and drafting her own patterns, as well as mixing media (ribbon embroidery, applique, embellishment, fabric dye & painting, bead work, etc.) After raising 3 kids, remodeling 6 houses and working in Architecture for 35 years, she is looking forward to “semiretirement” and having more time for Quilting.
Lecture: EPP 101 - English Paper Piecing, EPP for short, is a hand sewing technique that is great for quilting on the go! Learn its origins, the basics and what you need to get started.
One of our own, Christy Bengston will be our speaker for the April meeting.
Christy had no interest or experience in sewing and never used her machine for anything but pegging and hemming Levi’s. It wasn't until 2014, when she was lighthouse keeping, at the Battery Point Island Lighthouse, in Crescent City, that she discovered an old Civil War quilt. This quilt started her on this epic journey. She was inspired and fascinated with the quilt’s design and construction, and without any know-how she tried to replicate it. Later she found another quilt in the lighthouse and copied it, also. Eventually she began to use patterns.
Quilt teacher, Marian Drain taught her a few foundation stones to help her reach her goal, and how to quilt on her long-arm. Christy was driven. All this led to bigger, nicer sewing machines, winning many blue ribbons and a Best of Show.
Looking forward to seeing what she has to share with us!
One of our own, Christy Bengston will be our speaker for the April meeting.
Christy had no interest or experience in sewing and never used her machine for anything but pegging and hemming Levi’s. It wasn't until 2014, when she was lighthouse keeping, at the Battery Point Island Lighthouse, in Crescent City, that she discovered an old Civil War quilt. This quilt started her on this epic journey. She was inspired and fascinated with the quilt’s design and construction, and without any know-how she tried to replicate it. Later she found another quilt in the lighthouse and copied it, also. Eventually she began to use patterns.
Quilt teacher, Marian Drain taught her a few foundation stones to help her reach her goal, and how to quilt on her long-arm. Christy was driven. All this led to bigger, nicer sewing machines, winning many blue ribbons and a Best of Show.
Looking forward to seeing what she has to share with us!
2024 March: JANE HAWORTH
Jane Haworth is an award-winning professional quilter specializing in making nature inspired raw edge fabric collage quilts using her own hand dyed fabrics and commercial fabrics. Jane lectures and teaches classes at quilt guilds, quilt shops and quilt shows and festivals, encouraging students to go out of their comfort zone and "just create!" She has a new book out called,” Capture Your Own Life with Collage Quilting” that is available on Amazon. She’ll also be teaching a class at PIQF.
Lecture: FABRIC COLLAGE ~ “WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!”: In this 45 min-1hr combo slideshow and trunk show, you will learn more about the Fabric Collage trend, who’s making fabric collage and how I make my fabric collage quilts. See various examples of my work over the years, my progression from only making fish quilts, working through various themes to my newer collage pieces. You will also learn how to make an enlarged pattern suitable for collage, the types of fabric and tools you will need and my collage technique using glue.
Workshop: Cats and Dogs Fabric Collage For this workshop, Jane will provide a choice of patterns for students to work with a cat and a dog. This would give students an opportunity to learn the fabric collage technique, work it out on a small project before embarking on their own portrait of their own pet at a later date. Part of this workshop I will give instructions on how to make the enlargement and pattern of their pet. If students have access to a scanner/printer they could do this during the class
Jane Haworth is an award-winning professional quilter specializing in making nature inspired raw edge fabric collage quilts using her own hand dyed fabrics and commercial fabrics. Jane lectures and teaches classes at quilt guilds, quilt shops and quilt shows and festivals, encouraging students to go out of their comfort zone and "just create!" She has a new book out called,” Capture Your Own Life with Collage Quilting” that is available on Amazon. She’ll also be teaching a class at PIQF.
Lecture: FABRIC COLLAGE ~ “WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!”: In this 45 min-1hr combo slideshow and trunk show, you will learn more about the Fabric Collage trend, who’s making fabric collage and how I make my fabric collage quilts. See various examples of my work over the years, my progression from only making fish quilts, working through various themes to my newer collage pieces. You will also learn how to make an enlarged pattern suitable for collage, the types of fabric and tools you will need and my collage technique using glue.
Workshop: Cats and Dogs Fabric Collage For this workshop, Jane will provide a choice of patterns for students to work with a cat and a dog. This would give students an opportunity to learn the fabric collage technique, work it out on a small project before embarking on their own portrait of their own pet at a later date. Part of this workshop I will give instructions on how to make the enlargement and pattern of their pet. If students have access to a scanner/printer they could do this during the class
Shelley Aldrich is the founder and creator of the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild in 2002. We will hear the inspiration and history of how the Guild was created and enjoy some of her quilts. Linda Morrison will give a brief background of Shelley Aldrich’s life and quilting, including a trunk show. Marj Sweeney will then tell how Shelley formed the Guild and an early history of the guild. After the presentation some of Shelley’s quilts, quilt tops, vests and other items will be available for purchase.
Shelley Aldrich is the founder and creator of the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild in 2002. We will hear the inspiration and history of how the Guild was created and enjoy some of her quilts. Linda Morrison will give a brief background of Shelley Aldrich’s life and quilting, including a trunk show. Marj Sweeney will then tell how Shelley formed the Guild and an early history of the guild. After the presentation some of Shelley’s quilts, quilt tops, vests and other items will be available for purchase.
Workshops & Classes
Sometimes a guest speaker may offer a workshop or class. Workshops or classes are typically offered the day following the general meeting. There is generally a fee to attend and attendance could be limited. Pre-registration is required.
Join us for a full day of skill building, inspiration, friendship and fun! Don't forget to bring a lunch. Held at the Scotts Valley Women's Center
Door opens at 9:00 a.m. Workshops begins at 10:00 a.m. |
Scotts Valley Women's Center
Skills Day

Skills Day was created for guild members to share their skills, talents and abilities with other guild members. We are so lucky to have such talented members willing to teach various quilting techniques!
It's held once a quarter on a Saturday at the Scotts Valley Women's Center (see map above for directions). Door opens at 9:00 am and sewing fun begins at 10:00 am.
Sign up at any general meeting along with a refundable $10 deposit to reserve your space. Bring your lunch and plan on a day of fun and friendship while you hone your skills.
Contact Skills Day Chairman Suzanne Lee for further information.
It's held once a quarter on a Saturday at the Scotts Valley Women's Center (see map above for directions). Door opens at 9:00 am and sewing fun begins at 10:00 am.
Sign up at any general meeting along with a refundable $10 deposit to reserve your space. Bring your lunch and plan on a day of fun and friendship while you hone your skills.
Contact Skills Day Chairman Suzanne Lee for further information.